Sunday, November 4, 2012


Hello! Some of you may know me from my other blog, The Diary of A Writer and Artist. For those of you who don't, I am Filly Wood, which is my pen-name, and I am ten years old (you may be looking at this in a million years, if so, I'm a million and ten years old) and I  adore horses (magic and non), dragons, wolves (magic and non), foxes, badgers, and practically every other animal! (I can think of two animals I don't like - mosquitoes and parasitic worms. I know it's not their fault they're how they are but I can't help it). I got the idea for my blog from this blog, so credit to its creator. Have a look around my new blog, and make sure you comment! If I see this blog has been getting views but no comments, then... beware!

Filly Wood