Monday, November 12, 2012

Suggest a Dragon Species!

Hello everyone! You can now suggest a dragon species, like this:

Name: Klassmere's Spined Dragon.
Appearance: bluish males with voilet fronts and purple spines, females are beige. 
Location: Any mountains. 

Only you'd put your dragon etc there. Thanks!


  1. Name: Tiggerdragon
    Appearance: Orange with black stripes and spines, yellow belly, neck and muzzle
    Location: Reese Cup Valley in the Reese Cup Mountain Range

    1. Thanks, Tigger! ;) Do you mind if I make up a place for the Reese Cup Mountain Range to be?

    2. whatever you want, I am at your will and mercy, O Lord of the Dragons!

  2. Name: Weich Lieben Dragon
    Appearance: Females are a light shade of peach with furry spines up their backs and sparkles in their eyes. Males are a light shade of blue with soft spines up their backs and sparkles in their eyes.
    Locations: The caves of imagination, spreading love amongst soft creatures such as rabbits, instead of eating this feeds them.

    You likey?

  3. Name: Windy mist albine dragon
    Appearance: Both males and females are white with grey eyes.
    Location: High up in the mountains, good at flying.

    1. You lot are certainly coming up with great dragon names! It's great!

  4. Name: Great Spined Frost Dragon
    Appearance: white scales (very shiny :P) and large silver spines along back with spiked plates (like Godzilla's) around them. Large spiked ball at the end of the tail. The breath they have is toxic ice breath >:D. Males have two large spikes at the end of their heads, and one small one under it. They also have a grey underbelly. Females have two large spikes one their head and one light blue spike that is tiny under the others. Felmales are the stronger ones, and they have toxin glands like a cobra's poison so they can ingect toxins in their victims >:D. They have a blue underbelly :3.
    Location: Burmese and Himalayan Mountains, usually seen in Russia.

    x3 I like this dragon a lot. It doesn't look like a brute though, it looks elegant :D Just saying.

  5. OOH can I do another dragon?

    Name: Albino Yellow Tail Dragon
    Appearance: Bright white with gold fleks on crest of head. Kind of looks like a Reshieram with gold wings. Soft fur instead of scales. No threat at all. Males just have the same color eyes, females have two colors,

    1. Cute :) I'll add it to the list of dragon species when I have time :D
